
The Camino of the Marian Sanctuaries
of the Bolognese Apennines

Via Mater Dei connects Bologna to the most important Marian shrines of the Bolognese Apennines. The Cammino is about 160 km in length and can be travelled in seven stages. A path of about 157 km which develops in seven stages on mid-mountain ridges and which connects the city of Bologna to nine municipalities of the Bolognese Apennines: Pianoro, Monterenzio, Loiano, Monghidoro, San Benedetto Val di Sambro, Castiglione dei Pepoli , Camugnano, Grizzana Morandi, Vergato and the Municipality of Firenzuola, in the Tuscan territory.

From Bologna, with its renowned Mediaeval walls and monuments, in a strenuous walk, you will recover a connection with the earth, the wind, the sun, the rain: seasonal and essential, real and metaphorical elementsof every true Cammino. Step by step everything will take on new contours,because your outlook will also be new.



The Christian Pilgrimage

Father Marco Garuti
and Father Massimo Vacchetti

Christianity inherited the concept of the pilgrimage from the people of Israel. Every good Israelite was required to stand before the Lord in His Sanctuary three times a year. “was glad because they said to me: ‘We will go to the house of the Lord’” (Sal 122,1). Quale gioia mi dissero: andremo alla casa del Signore? (Sal 122,1).

Christian pilgrimages reached their peak in the Middle Ages as an expression of the same extraordinary religious fervour that generated striking cathedrals, masterpieces of art and faith. Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago de Compostela are the main destinations for Christians, but there is also flourishing interest in pilgrimages to Marian shrines or to sites that preserve the relics of saints. For many, the pilgrimage represented a kind of path assisting in the expiation of sins or the effort needed to be reborn a changed person.

The pilgrimage was and is a highly expressive practice in a Christian’s way of life. The dynamic of the journey begins by interrupting everyday life, leaving behind the past and turning to a destination that is one of “true” life. The Lord said to Abraham: “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land that I will show you” (Gn 12,1).

The person is conceived as a homo viator, a wayfarer who leaves a place and goes towards the attainment of a goal to which they turn their physical and spiritual strength, certain that God precedes them and lights the way. However, pilgrims do not leave the worries of life, the anxieties of the present and concern for the future in order to escape from themselves, but to seek and find something greater and truer than themselves.

In this perspective, the pilgrimage is a metaphor for life: a journey from time to eternity, from Earth to Heaven, from the ephemeral to the absolute. The underlying reason for the decision to set off is not so much a need to escape, but mainly to find the meaning of life, the desire for infinity, the face of God!

We took sweet counsel together, in the house of God we walked with the throng” (Sal 55,15). Even those who do not make the journey with a strictly religious intention will find themselves making a great journey into the depths of their hearts. When they reach a shrine, it is not so much the body as the soul that has finally arrived in the desired destination.


Santa Maria della Vita

Beata Vergine di San Luca

Santa Maria di Zena

Madonna dei Boschi

Madonna di Lourdes

Madonna di Pompei

Madonna della Neve

Beata Vergine delle Grazie di Boccadirio

Beata Vergine della Serra

Beata Vergine della Consolazione

Before leaving

As you organize your journey, remember to request the credential, the Pilgrim's passport where the stages will be recorded.

Upon return

At the end of the journey, send us a copy of the stamped credential to receive the official scroll of the Via Mater Dei, free of charge! 

Aggiornamento Condizioni Via Mater Dei - Dicembre 2023

La Via Mater Dei, come tutti i percorsi sul versante emiliano romagnolo dell'Appennino, presenta diversi tratti con criticità che ne rendono difficile la percorrenza a seguito dei recenti eventi meteorologici. In particolare le zone della Val di Zena, Monte delle Formiche, Monte Bibele, Scanello e Madonna dei Boschi sono state colpite da frane e allagamenti. In questi giorni si stanno effettuando sopralluoghi su tutto il territorio. Al momento è ASSOLUTAMENTE SCONSIGLIATO mettersi per sentieri nelle zone citate.

La seconda parte del cammino, da Madonna dei Boschi in poi, è percorribile senza criticità.